David Norris campaign for President of Ireland derailed by past comments regarding pederasty in ancient Greece

Anyone deviating from the socially-enforced blanket condemnation of sex between adults and adolescents is immediately and forever punished.

Even David Norris's closest supporters condemn as "naive" his thoughtfully considered defense of man/boy relations in ancient Greece which he made at a dinner party more than a decade ago.

Now, more than ever, all politicians are subject to standard "moral litmus tests" that allow for no deviation in thinking from sacrosanct social opinions, regardless of the erudition which inform their views.

David Norris had hoped to be the President of the Republic of Ireland and, apparently, was considered a serious contender. Whatever qualities he may possess as a possible leader of that country have now shrink into insignificance given his private, but socially forbidden, opinions.

To express any hesitancy in joining the still-raging paedo witchhunt is a certain path towards career-death. As if we needed reminding...


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